1. Beginning your healing
"The Racial Healing Handbook"
“The Racial Healing Handbook [by Dr. Anneliese Singh] offers practical tools to help you navigate daily and past experiences of racism, challenge internalized negative messages and privileges, and handle feelings of stress and shame. You’ll also learn to develop a profound racial consciousness and conscientiousness, and heal from grief and trauma. Most importantly, you’ll discover the building blocks to creating a community of healing in a world still filled with racial microaggressions and discrimination.”
"Heal Our Way Forward: The Path Toward Collective Liberation"
“In this compelling TEDx Talk about our collective liberation, Myisha T. Hill evokes her ancestors from the Aakahn tribe of Ghana and following the power of Sankofa -- to keep our feet moving forward, and look back to pull out the lessons that we need to learn to make space for the future.”
“Why Admitting Privilege is Key to Racial Healing"
“In this short clip from the ‘Race Unity Project,’ Nancy Wong discusses how important it is for white people to address their legacy of privilege. ‘In order to heal, people of European descent in this country will have to address their illnesses in a way that is not shameful,’ she says.”
"15 Minute Meditation to Heal from Racism & Microaggressions"
“A 15 Minute Mindfulness Meditation [by Zee Clarke] to Heal From Racism and Microaggressions. Black people and all people of color experience life on a frequency of high alert. We are often gaslit about our experiences of racism and microaggressions, but the impact they have on our mind, bodies, and spirits is very real. That tension takes a toll. I hope that this video serves as that acknowledgement for you. I see you. I hear you. I believe in your worth and the validity of your experience.”
"How some therapists are helping patients heal by tackling structural racism"
“Many of the founding ideas, techniques and schools of practice of therapy were developed by white scholars or practitioners. As a result, the field has marginalized the experiences of people of color, therapists and patients say.” An NPR article discussing Cambodian American Eden Teng’s culturally-responsive restructuring of therapeutic practices.
2. Supporting your healing
"Racial Wellness: A Guide to Liberatory Healing for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color"
“Using her background in social welfare and interaction design, Jacquelyn Ogorchukwu Iyamah seeks to stimulate revolutionary healing for communities of color, shifting the conversation from racial trauma to racial wellness. This powerful book helps BIPOC understand, reflect, and cope with racial trauma. Divided into five sections--emotional wellness, mental wellness, physical wellness, spiritual wellness, and our interconnected wellness--Iyamah lends readers a gentle hand on their journey toward racial wellness by providing ways to heal on individual, interpersonal, and institutional levels, while encouraging deeper reflection through insightful journal prompts.”
"Heal Your Way Forward: The Co-Conspirator’s Guide for An Anti-Racist Future"
“Heal Your Way Forward: The Co-Conspirator's Guide to an Antiracist Future by myisha t hill is the trumpet call to white and white-identifying folks, guiding them to recognize their antiracism work as intergenerational healing. In her first major book, myisha asks the most critical question of antiracism work: what do we want the world to look like in seven generations?”
"Sana, Sana: Latinx Pain and Radical Visions for Healing and Justice"
“Sana, Sana [by David Luis Glisch-Sanchez, and Nic Rodriguez-Villafane] is a witness to the multiple wounds etched into the landscape of Latinx experience and a testimonial to community efforts to heal them. A multi-genre anthology rooted in the deep desire to not only acknowledge and name the various forms of pain and trauma Latinx people experience regularly, but to do so in the service of imagining new futures and ways of being that prioritize healing and justice not just for Latinx people, but for Queer BIPOC communities and, ultimately, for all people.”
“In this powerful TEDx Talk, Self Love Educator Denise Francis speaks on the relationship between Black Women, Self-love, and Mental health. She aims to bridge the gap to heal Black women from the trans-generational trauma that the ‘Strong Black Woman’ trope has silenced.”
"The Black Girl Bravado" Podcast
“The Black Girl Bravado [featuring Germani and Brittany] is a wellness podcast catering to the wholeness of Black women. We are transforming the lives of Black women through sisterhood, healing and collective growth. Our mission is to create a safe space for Black women to feel seen, heard and understood. If you're looking for a community that caters to you, you're in the right place.”
"Room for White Tears"
“A bi-monthly grief practice for white-bodied people looking for a collective space to grieve. As a white-bodied person on a liberation journey, you might not recognize grief immediately.” [Facilitated by myisha t hill]
"The Pain We Carry: Healing from Complex PTSD for People of Color"
“If you are a person of color who has experienced repeated trauma--such as discrimination, race-related verbal assault, racial stigmatization, poverty, sexual trauma, or interpersonal violence--you may struggle with intense feelings of anger, mistrust, or shame. You may feel unsafe or uncomfortable in your own body, or struggle with building and keeping close relationships. Sometimes you may feel very alone in your pain. But you are not alone. This groundbreaking work illuminates the phenomena of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) as it is uniquely experienced by people of color, and provides a much-needed path to health and wholeness.” [Author: Natalie Y Gutiérrez]
"Emotional Justice: a Roadmap for Racial Healing"
“In this groundbreaking book, Esther Armah argues that the crucial missing piece to racial healing and sustainable equity is emotional justice—a new racial healing language to help us do our emotional work. This work is part of the emotional reckoning we must navigate if racial healing is to be more than a dream. We all—white, Black, Brown—have our emotional work that we need to do. But that work is not the same for all of us.”
3. Healing through action
Rest is Resistance
“In Rest Is Resistance, Tricia Hersey, aka the Nap Bishop, casts an illuminating light on our troubled relationship with rest and how to imagine and dream our way to a future where rest is exalted. Our worth does not reside in how much we produce, especially not for a system that exploits and dehumanizes us. Rest, in its simplest form, becomes an act of resistance and a reclaiming of power because it asserts our most basic humanity. We are enough. The systems cannot have us.”
"The Little Book of Racial Healing: Coming to the Table for Truth-Telling, Liberation, and Transformation"
“This Little Book shares Coming to the Table's vision for the United States--a vision of a just and truthful society that acknowledges and seeks to heal from the racial wounds of the past. Readers will learn practical skills for better listening; discover tips for building authentic, accountable relationships; and will find specific and varied ideas for taking action.” [By Thomas Norman Dewolf & Jodie Geddes]
"Healing Justice Lineages: Dreaming at the Crossroads of Liberation, Collective Care, and Safety"
“In this anthology, Black Queer Feminist editors Cara Page and Erica Woodland guide readers through the history, legacies, and liberatory practices of healing justice—a political strategy of collective care and safety that intervenes on generational trauma from systemic violence and oppression. They call forth the ancestral medicines and healing practices that have sustained communities who have survived genocide and oppression, while radically imagining what comes next.”
@thenapministry on Instagram
“We examine the liberating power of naps. We believe rest is a form of resistance & reparations.”
"To Us & Ours, An Asian American Feminist Collection" Zine
“This collection of writing emerges from the 2021 Asian American Feminist Writing Workshop hosted by Kundiman and the Asian American Feminist Collective. This workshop fostered a space for writers to explore how the unique histories and themes of Asian American feminism influences their own work.”